Collaborative Partners

Empowering each other to uplift our community

Collaborative Partners

With a shared heartbeat of generosity, the Community Foundation of South Lake and our collaborative partners play a pivotal role in ensuring resources are allotted to the most pressing needs. Read more about our collaborative partners and their programs below.

View causes and events the Community Foundation supports below.


Local Causes & Events

Non-Profit Think Tank

The South Lake Think Tank is sponsored by the Community Foundation of South Lake and is a united effort between local non-profits to collaborate on solutions for operating and funding that increase the most impact and reduce the duplication of efforts.

The group of dedicated community leaders gathers at the Community Foundation of South Lake to learn innovative ways to improve their organization and impact in the community.

Facing the Communities Biggest Challenges, Together.

South Lake Think Tank Image | Events | Community Foundation of South Lake

Charities Across South Lake

The Community Foundation of South Lake is proud to support Charity Across South Lake and their annual Santa Shack and Buses and Backpacks that ensure the children in our community’s needs are met.

This year Santa Shack was held at the CFSLC facility for the first time where over 4,500 local children received their Christmas wish thanks to the collaborative effort of businesses, donors, and volunteers.

Building Brighter futures for South Lake’s children.

Charities Across South Lake | Events | Community Foundation of South Lake

Share Day

Each year non-profits throughout South Lake unite in a joint effort to feed our neighbors in need for Thanksgiving.

The Community Foundation is proud to be a part of that effort and the continual support of other organizations who regularly participate.

Transforming a Thanksgiving Meal into Hope.

Share Day | Events | Community Foundation of South Lake

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