Legacy Funds
Make A Gift That Lasts Forever
Legacy Funds
A legacy gift is designed to carry on your family’s name and philanthropic goals forever.
Legacy gifts include creating an endowment fund or bequesting the contribution in your will.
This type of gift provides perpetual income growth to your chosen non-profit or cause in Lake County.
Carries on your family’s name & legacy forever,
Tax benefits
Provides perpetual income for your cause or non profit of choice.
Grows in value over time - increasing your impact,

Grants & Scholarships Awarded

Charitable Funds

Total Funds
Legacy Society
Established to fund charitable interests in the areas of food security, religious and community related needs.
This Endowed Designated Fund was established to support the survivors of 911.
Frank B. Farr, Jr. was a scholar and athlete at Groveland High School. To honor his memory, a student from South Lake High School is awarded a scholarship each year.
This fund was established in memory of Lou Burdette to provide financial support to “Lou’s Cottage” which provides respite care for caregivers.
Larry Rescoe, philanthropist, inventor, businessman and community leader, was welcomed through heaven’s gates on December 9, 2021. Larry was dedicated to his community as a loyal board member, donor and fund holder.
In 2010, Larry decided to open a Donor Advised Fund at the Community Foundation. From that time on Larry supported so many deserving nonprofit organizations in this community and beyond. In 2019, as a part of our Donor Appreciation celebration, Larry was chosen as Philanthropist of the Year. He accepted the recognition with humility, stating, “I am honored to receive this award. God commands us to give 10% of our income to help his work. I have given my time and money, knowing that I can’t give enough. God has given me my talents for a reason–to help others.” Larry liked using his Donor Advised Fund to do all his annual giving because of the ease and flexibility.
Shortly before Larry’s death, he decided to make a substantial gift to his fund and endow his fund, making it a permanent fund that will support his favorite charities in perpetuity. By taking these simple steps, Larry’s Legacy of Giving will go on to impact our community FOREVER! We dedicate this tribute to him, as we push forward inspired by the memories we made with him and the legacy he left behind.
To know Larry Rescoe was truly a blessing. Thank you Larry, for your generous heart that was always ready to help another in need.