Why Choose CFSLC
Serve • Connect • Give
Why Choose CFSLC
Value of placing funds at Community Foundation of South Lake:
Flexibility: Donors may create funds in any name & for any charitable purpose.
Immediate Tax Deductions: As a 501(c) (3), the Foundation helps save on income and estate taxes and helps reduce/eliminate capital gains tax.
Connectivity: Donors stay connected to their gift, their family and their favorite charities.
Personalized Service: Knowledgeable, professional staff provide prompt attention to donor needs.
Community Information: The Foundation is a resource for donors about local nonprofit organizations and community needs.
Investment Expertise: Experienced board and committee members, and financial advisors oversee investments and relieve donors of that burden.
Low Cost: Combining individual funds, keeps administrative and investment costs low.
Reliability: The Foundation has a record of reliability and dependability.
Simplicity: A fund is established with one governing document that takes less than one hour to prepare.
Recognition: Donors can honor or memorialize a loved one in perpetuity.
Privacy: Donors can give anonymously through the Foundation.
Legacy: Donors can build lasting testaments to their names, their families and causes they care about.
Impact Assessment: Combined donor grant-making with CFSLC community investment